Why Gamma Phi Beta?

Gamma Phi Beta is founded upon four values that continuously guide and shape our chapter: Love, Labor, Learning, and Loyalty. Every reason to join Gamma Phi Beta can be found in just those four words:
• Love: Whether it is helping each other through the bad, or celebrating the good, Gamma Phi Betas love their sisters. Each sister graciously welcomes in new members, and makes it a priority to get to know them. Sisterhood comes first and foremost for every member.
• Labor: Our international philanthropic mission statement is "Building Strong Girls". Gamma Phi Beta sisters make this a priority in their daily lives by volunteering in the community, mentoring young girls, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Sisters also work hard to ensure that the chapter is meeting international standards and providing the best experience possible for all members.
• Learning: Gamma Phi Betas are committed to academic excellence and leadership within the campus community. We recognize that college is a place to learn many lessons, academic, life, or otherwise. No matter what, you will always have a sister to learn from, lean on, and one offering a lending hand.
• Loyalty: Realizing that Gamma Phi Beta is a lifelong commitment has allowed us to give our whole hearts to our chapter in love and support. We come from every corner of the world, but our most important commonality of our lives is our loyalty to the sorority. We recognize Gamma Phi Beta as our home away from home, our shelter through the storm, and house full of best friends.
Gamma Phi Beta is an International Sorority inspiring the highest type of womanhood. Members create lifelong friends and experience personal growth through academic excellence, leadership development, social enrichment, and philanthropic involvement.
During the fall semesters of the school year, formal recruitment is hosted by the Panhellenic Council, usually held in late September. In the winter semesters, the sisters of Gamma Phi Beta hold an informal recruitment in late January.
If you are interested in learning more about how to join our sisterhood please get in touch with our Membership Vice President, Gillian Whaley, at gphimvpou@gmail.com